About Requests for Information

Note: This functionality is available only if you have the Document Control Module.

A request for information (RFI) is a document you send to general contractors, architects, or engineers asking for information. When you receive the information, you can include it in the RFI record. There is a business advantage to adding information about clients or vendors. When you enter such information on a request for information, the document is legally traceable.

The entry in the Client box and Vendor box on the 6-11-2 Requests for Information window are mutually exclusive. On a new request for information record when you enter a client, the vendor entry is cleared and the client address and contact name are automatically placed into the Attention box and Address boxes. Also on a new record, when you enter a vendor, the client information is cleared and replaced with the vendor information.


  • To check spelling, click in the text entry areas and then press the F7 key. On the Field Properties Text window, select the Check Spelling checkbox, and then click OK.
  • You can set up RFIs to be numbered sequentially with an association to a job and phase.